IAS Eligibility

Maximum Age: 32
No. Of Attempts: 06

Maximum Age: 35
No. Of Attempts: 09

Maximum Age: 37
No. Of Attempts:
Till age limts

Maximum Age: 42
No. Of Attempts:
Till age limts


As an IAS officer, you will be responsible for implementing government policies and programs, overseeing public administration, and addressing the needs of the citizens.

Joining the IFS allows you to represent India internationally, promote diplomatic relations, negotiate agreements, and contribute to foreign policy formulation.

Serving as an IPS officer involves maintaining law and order, preventing and investigating crimes, and ensuring public safety and security.

In IAAS, you will be involved in auditing government accounts, evaluating financial management, and ensuring transparency and accountability in public spending.

ICAS officers manage government finances, handle accounting operations, and ensure financial discipline across various government departments.

ICLS officers specialize in corporate law, regulatory compliance, and corporate governance, playing a crucial role in the legal framework of business entities.

IDAS officers manage defence expenditure, financial planning, and budgetary allocations for the armed forces, contributing to national defence and security.

IDES officers oversee defence land management, real estate transactions, and infrastructure development for defence establishments.

Joining IIS allows you to work in media management, public relations, and communication strategies for government agencies, enhancing public awareness and engagement.

IPoS officers manage postal operations, delivery services, and postal financial services, contributing to efficient and reliable postal networks nationwide.

IP&TAFS officers handle financial management, accounting, and auditing for the Department of Posts and Telecommunications, ensuring efficient financial operations.

)IRPFS officers are responsible for railway security, crime prevention, passenger safety, and protection of railway property, ensuring a secure and safe travel environment.

IRS-C&IT officers manage customs duties, indirect taxes, and border controls, facilitating international trade, revenue collection, and economic compliance.

IRS-IT officers specialize in income tax administration, tax assessment, and compliance enforcement, ensuring fair and transparent tax collection for the government.

ITS officers promote foreign trade, export-import policies, trade agreements, and market access for Indian businesses, contributing to economic growth and global trade relations.

IRMS officers manage railway operations, infrastructure development, logistics, and strategic planning for the Indian Railways, ensuring efficient and safe rail transportation services.

AFHCS officers provide administrative support, coordination, and logistics for armed forces headquarters, contributing to defence management and operations.

DANICS officers handle administrative and civil services for the Union Territories, supporting governance, public services, and development initiatives.

DANIPS officers maintain law and order, crime prevention, and security enforcement in Union Territories, ensuring public safety and legal compliance.

PONDICS officers handle administrative and civil services for the Union Territory of Pondicherry, supporting governance, public services, and development initiatives.

PONDIPS officers maintain law and order, crime prevention, and security enforcement in the Union Territory of Pondicherry, ensuring public safety and legal compliance.

Stages of Examination